Monday, July 21, 2008


I've always hated the rain and having to walk through it. It's like trucking through piles of dog saliva, just making you feel disgusting and dirty. However, what I do love most after the end of a rainstorm is how sunny and nice the next day is. Makes you feel happy again, as if you've finally gotten over a terrible break up. Johnny Nash is right; you can see clearly after the rain is gone.

I remember in 5th grade when I began having trouble focusing the white board. I thought that's how the words were supposed to look like, uneasy to read, sloppy; and I thought that street lights really did look like blobs of fairy dust just floating above me. To my surprise, after I failed an eye exam, I was told I needed glasses. How amazing were things the moment I slipped those bifocals over my face. It was as if I had a new set of virgin eyes. I had never seen trees look that way before. Everything was so fine and sharp, originally like how it looked when having to stand 5 inches away. It was then that I realized the rain had passed.

Sometimes there's those storms that seem to never end, as if they go on for days. Then you're sitting in your rocking chair on the balcony wondering when the sun will come out again so you can go to the pool or run some laps around the neighborhood. Not the best feeling when you're locked inside, forced to find the least bit of entertainment to keep you from drowning in the sorrows the rain suppresses you with. Everyone has always told me to go out and kiss in the rain, jump in puddles, go all out. It's just not the same when you don't see clearly. I haven't found my bifocals to correct this problem. I'll be dodging the raindrops and puddled potholes until I can find someone who's willing to splash through them with me. I can't see clearly now that the rain has come.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Two of a Kind

Chopsticks, a fork and knife, a married couple, bunk beds. I have started to notice more and more that everything comes in pairs. Hell, even the threes and fours have it good; tricycle, cyclops, human limbs, cheeks. There are so many things that are nothing without their other half, third, or quarter; why is it that nothing really comes to mind when we think of one?

Ones never get any of the attention because they're unimportant, predictable, and have nothing special to stand out amongst this world of twosies. I can think of a million things right now that are perhaps unfavorable to be a one-sie: a dateless prom, a single parent. I mean, since when was a poker hand with just a bunch of single numbers a good hand? The only time those numbers matter is when they have a match either in your hand or in the dealer's hand.

It's unfortunate that this world thrives on others by pairing, matching, and loving because of some hole in our hearts trying to be filled everyday. It isn't fair for the singles to be singled out because they haven't found their pair. Why should we have to go on feeling alone and unimportant? Just because others have found something great, I shouldn't have to feel bad about myself.. but I do because the only time I will matter or stand out is when I've found the remote to my tv, the cheese to my macaroni, the lens cap to my lens... the man to my "I love you's."